
Clemson Uniform Tracker (@ClemsonUniformswas established in 2014 as a Twitter account by Scott M. Trembly (@ScottMTrembly), primarily to track @ClemsonBaseball uniforms. The fascination began with baseball due to the variety of combinations worn; with several jerseys and even more hats to choose from. Furthermore, the baseball program are defined by the "Clemson cut" pants, thus distinguishing themselves as trendsetters on the diamond. 

In the fall of 2019, the account was reestablished after several years of inactivity. Since then, the content has evolved from tracking season records by uniform combinations to uniform-related news, statistics, and history.

With the recent rebrand, this blog was developed to enhance web presence and archive content. This site is still a work in progress, but stay tuned for more information to be added.

More coming soon...